야생 포켓몬이 지닌 아이템 정리

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Here is a list of items that are held by wild Pokemon in game. You will see they are colour coded: Rare, Average and Common drop rates. These rates were based off of my own personal experience, so feel free to propose corrections if you disagree.


Type Enhancing Items

Silverpowder - Butterfree, Venomoth

Poison Barb - Beedrill, Arbok, Roselia, Cacnea

Sharp Beak - Fearow, Skarmory

Deep Sea Tooth - Carvanha, Sharpedo

Deep Sea Scale - Chinchou, Lanturn , Relicanth

Focus Band - Machoke

Light Ball - Pikachu

Soft Sand - Sandslash , Trapinch

Hard Stone - Graveler , Onix , Lairon , Aron , Aggron

Mystic Water - Castform

Dragon Fang - Dratini , Dragonair , Bagon , Shelgon

Magnet - Magneton

Nevermeltice - Dewgong 

Spell Tag - Haunter , Misdreavus , Shuppet , Duskull 

Twisted Spoon - Abra , Kadabra 

Metal Powder - Ditto

Stick - Farfetch'd

Thick Club - Cubone , Marowak



(All Pokemon Encounters from Rock Smash)

Old Amber - Graveler , Geodude (Only in Kanto)

Helix Fossil - Graveler , Geodude (Only in Kanto)

Dome Fossil - Graveler , Geodude (Only in Kanto)

Claw Fossil - Graveler , Geodude , Nosepass , Shuckle (Only in Hoenn)

Root Fossil - Graveler , Geodude , Nosepass , Shuckle (Only in Hoenn)


Evolution Items

Sun Stone - Solrock

Moon Stone - Clefairy , Lunatone

King's Rock - Poliwhirl , Slowbro , Hariyama 

Metal Coat - Magnemite , Beldum

Dragon Scale - Seadra , Horsea , Dratini , Bagon , Shelgon



Oran Berry - Raticate

Sitrus Berry - Raticate

Chesto Berry - Snorlax , Spinda , Loudred , Whismur

Rawst Berry - Vulpix , Growlithe , Camerupt , Numel 

Aspear Berry - Dewgong , Seel , Swinub 

Leppa Berry - Skitty


Healing Items

Berry Juice - Shuckle

Moo Moo Milk - Miltank



Red Shard - Corsola

Blue Shard - Clamperl

Yellow Shard - Chinchou , Lanturn

Green Shard - Relicanth


Valuable Items

Tiny Mushroom - Paras

Big Mushroom - Paras

Pearl - Shellder

Big Pearl - Shellder

Stardust - Staryu

Star Piece - Staryu

Nugget - Meowth

Heart Scale - Luvdisc

Everstone - Geodude , Graveler

Lucky Egg - Chansey



보풀아기 2015.10.22 16:33  
저기에 분명 변돌이라고 적혀는 있는데 ㅠ.ㅠ
kimart 2015.11.01 18:47  
실크스카프는 없나요?