아이템 목록 및 가격(펌)

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아이템 목록 및 가격입니다.

전부는 아니지만 참고하시라고 올려드립니다.

외국포럼에서 가지고 온거라 영어로 되있습니다 ㅠㅠ 

필요하신거만 control + f 하셔서 찾으시고 가격확인하시면 될것같습니다


- 백화점 판매의상 ( Vanity Items ) -

Classic Cap - 25.000$

Backwards Cap - 50.000$
Beret - 50.000$
Bike Helmet - 50.000$
Bow - 50.000$
Bowler Hat - 50.000$
Cap - 50.000$
Explorer Hat - 50.000$
Fedora Hat - 50.000$
Flattop - 50.000$
Head Glasses - 50.000$
Headband - 50.000$
Hero Hat - 50.000$
Hood - 50.000$
Nurse Hat - 50.000$
Pointy Hat - 50.000$
Puffy Hat - 50.000$
Service Hat - 50.000$
Sleepy Hat - 50.000$
Striped Cap - 50.000$
Teddy Ears - 50.000$
Tophat - 50.000$
Tricone Hat - 50.000$
Boonie Hat - 50.000$
Boonie with Glasses - 50.000$
Cap with Glasses - 50.000$
Camper - 50.000$
Conical - 50.000$
Small Bandana - 50.000$
Straw Hat - 50.000$
Horns - 50.000$
Afro - 50.000$
Combover - 50.000$
Reverse Scene - 50.000$
Backpack - 25.000$
Shoulder Bag - 25.000$
Swimwear Top - 25.000$
Swimwear Pants - 25.000$


- 게임센터 코인교환 - 

Rocket Uniform - 9999 Game Corner Coins

Tuxedo - 6000 Game Corner Coins

For an average conversion between coins and cash check the 2nd post 


- 포켓몬 기술( TMs ) -

01 Focus Punch - 25.000$ - Saffron, Indigo Plateau, Battle Frontier, Lilycove Dept. Store

02 Dragon Claw - 20.000$ - Indigo Plateau, Ever Grande
03 Water Pulse - 20.000$ - Cerulean, Two Island, Sootopolis, Ever Grande
04 Calm Mind - 20.000$ - Saffron, Mossdeep, Battle Frontier
05 Roar - 10.000$ - Oldale, Celadon Dept. Store
06 Toxic - 20.000$ - Fuchsia, Fallabor, Battle Frontier
07 Hail - 15.000$ - Four Island, Mossdeep
08 Bulk Up - 15.000$ - Saffron, Slateport
09 Bullet Seed - 20.000$ - Three Island, Fortree, Celadon Dept. Store
10 Hidden Power - 20.000$ - Seven Island, Slateport Outside Shop; 4000 Coins – Celadon Game Corner (Check 2nd post)
11 Sunny Day - 15.000$ - Cinnabar, Three Island, Lavaridge, Sootopolis
12 Taunt - 15.000$ - Slateport
13 Ice Beam - 5500 Coins - Celadon Game Corner, Mauville Game Corner (Check 2nd post)
14 Blizzard - 30.000$ - Indigo Plateau, Four Island, Ever Grande, Lilycove Dept. Store
15 Hyper Beam - 35.000$ - Indigo Plateau, Lilycove Dept. Store, Celadon Dept. Store
16 Light Screen - 15.000$ - Vermilion, Lilycove Dept. Store, Celadon Dept. Store
17 Protect - 20.000$ - Verdanturf, Lilycove Dept. Store, Celadon Dept. Store (and 15000$ For Some Reason Here)
18 Rain Dance - 15.000$ - Cerulean, Two Island, Fortree, Sootopolis
19 Giga Drain - 25.000$ - Fortree, Celadon Dept. Store
20 Safeguard - 15.000$ - Verdanturf, Lilycove Dept. Store, Celadon Dept. Store
21 Frustration - 20.000$ - Lilycove Dept. Store, Celadon Dept. Store
22 Solarbeam - 30.000$ - Three Island, Fortree, Celadon Dept. Store
23 Iron Tail - 20.000$ - Pewter, Fallabor
24 Thunderbolt - 5500 Coins - Celadon Game Corner, Mauville Game Corner (Check 2nd post)
25 Thunder - 30.000$ - Vermilion, Mauville, Lilycove Dept. Store
26 Earthquake - 30.000$ - Viridian, Sootopolis, Battle Frontier
27 Return - 20.000$ - Lilycove Dept. Store, Celadon Dept. Store
28 Dig - 20.000$ - Viridian, Celadon Dept. Store
29 Psychic - 25.000$ - Saffron, Mossdeep
30 Shadow Ball - 25.000$ - Lavender, Indigo Plateau, Battle Frontier, Ever Grande, Lilycove Dept. Store
31 Brick Break - 20.000$ - Saffron, Six Island, Mauville, Battle Frontier, Celadon Dept. Store
32 Double Team - 15.000$ - Petalburg, Celadon Dept. Store
33 Reflect - 15.000$ - Lilycove Dept. Store, Celadon Dept. Store
34 Shock Wave - 20.000$ - Vermilion, Mauville
35 Flamethrower - 5500 Coins – Celadon Game Corner, Mauville Game Corner (Check 2nd post)
36 Sludge Bomb - 25.000$ - Fuchsia, Fallabor
37 Sandstorm - 15.000$ - Pewter, Seven Island, Rustboro
38 Fire Blast - 30.000$ - Cinnabar, Lavaridge, Lilycove Dept. Store
39 Rock Tomb - 20.000$ - Pewter, Six Island, Rustboro
40 Aerial Ace - 20.000$ - Fuchsia, Fortree
41 Torment - 15.000$ - Lavender, Lavaridge
42 Facade - 20.000$ - Lavender, Petalburg
43 Secret Power - 20.000$ - Seven Island, Slateport Outside Shop, Celadon Dept. Store
44 Rest - 20.000$ - Lavender, Lavaridge
45 Attract - 10.000$ - Cerulean, Verdanturf, Celadon Dept. Store
46 Thief - 20.000$ - Cerulean, Slateport, Ever Grande
47 Steel Wing - 20.000$ - Seven Island, Fallabor
48 Skill Swap - 15.000$ - Saffron, Mossdeep
49 Snatch - 15.000$ - Fuchsia, Rustboro

50 Overheat - 30.000$ - Cinnabar, Lavaridge 


- 몬스터 볼 - 

Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$

Ultra Ball - 1.200$

Nest Ball - 1.000$ - Verdanturf Town PokeMart

Luxury Ball - 1.000$ - Verdanturf Town PokeMart

Timer Ball - 1.400$ - Rustboro City PokeMart, they appeared at Two Island after visiting Rustboro PokeMart

Repeat Ball - 1.500$ - Rustboro City PokeMart, they appeared at Two Island after visiting Rustboro PokeMart

Net Ball - 1.400$ - Mossdeep City PokeMart

Dive Ball - 1.500$ - Mossdeep City PokeMart


In case you are wondering where do Premiere Balls come from, they come from Mystery Box in Celadon Game Corner 


- EV Boosting Items -

HP UP; Protein; Calcium; Carbos; Iron; Zinc - All 3.650$ each


- 열매 ( Berries (inc. EV Reducing) - 

Cheri Berry - 500$

Chesto Berry - 500$

Pecha Berry - 500$

Rawst Berry - 500$

Aspear Berry - 500$

Leppa Berry - 500$

Oran Berry - 350$

Persim Berry - 500$

Lum Berry - 750$

Citrus Berry - 750$

Figy Berry - 800$

Wiki Berry - 800$

Mago Berry - 800$

Aguav Berry - 800$

Iapapa Berry - 800$

Liechi Berry - 750$

Ganlon Berry - 750$

Salac Berry - 750$

Petaya Berry - 750$

Apicot Berry - 750$

Lansat Berry - 750$

Starf Berry - 750$ 


Pomeg Berry - 1.000$

Kelpsy Berry - 1.000$

Qualot Berry - 1.000$

Hondew Berry - 1.000$

Grepa Berry - 1.000$

Tamato Berry - 1.000$ 


 - 물약 -

Potion - 150$

Super Potion - 400$

Hyper Potion - 1400$

Max Potion - 2500$

Full Restore - 3000$

Lemonade - 600$

Soda Pop - 400$

Fresh Water - 350$

MooMoo Milk - 800$ - Two Island

Revive - 2500$

Antidote - 250$

Parlyze Heal - 250$

Awakening - 250$

Burn Heal - 250$

Ice Heal - 250$

Full Heal - 600$ 


Repel - 400$

Super Repel - 750$

Max Repel - 900$ 


- 기타 (로프,진화돌,우편물,등등) -

Escape Rope - 600$

All Mails - 50$

Evo Stones (Leaf Stone, Thunderstone, Fire Stone, Water Stone) - 5000$ - Celadon Dept. Store 

Fluffy Tail - 10000$ - Lillycove Dept. Store

Poke Doll - 10000$ - Celadon Dept. Store

Sea Incense - 4500$ - Slateport Outdoors Shop

Lax Incense - 4500$ - Slateport Outdoors Shop

Yellow Flute - 3000 coins - Celadon Game Corner (Check 2nd post) 


- 게임코너 동전 교환 -

Hidden Power - ~14.396$

Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt - ~23.995$

Tuxedo - ~27.594$

Rocket Uniform - Whatever 9999 coins costs, a bit less than 70.000$ i think

Yellow Flute - ~9.297$



 - 코인가격 (참고) - 

1k for the 1st and 2nd 500 coins

1.5k for 3rd/4th

2k for 5th/6th

2.5k for 7th/8th

3k for 9th/10th

3.5k for 11th/12th

4k for 13th/14th

4.5k for 15th/16th

5k for 17th/18th

5.5k for the 19th and 5,499 for the remaining 499coins 

틸트 2016.01.31 21:26  
백화점에서 의상 파는지 첨 알았네요.

좋은 정보 감사합니다.
HungryLion 2016.02.08 06:01  
스토리하다가 발견했었는데 거래소에서 비싸게 주고 사지마세요 (저도 가방하나 사서 쓰는중 쓸모는없지만ㅋㅋ)