픽업 가이드

malaga 3 9469 1 0




  • PandaJJ for creating the original thread here. According to OldKeiths post PandaJJ will be inactive for a while so I have volunteered to carry on collecting the data.
  • The whole community that helps provide the data <3


  • Your Pokemon with the Pickup ability must be your first party member and must not be faint!
  • You acquire loot when you kill random encountered Pokemon in the wild or by capturing them(your Pickup Pokemon will be holding the loot).
  • If your Pickup Pokemon is already holding an item, it cannot pick up another!
  • The loot varies and changes depending on which route/area you are in.
  • Pickup is currently only working in the Kanto region!
  • Pickup works while Fishing and Surfing!

          Best Pickup Pokemon

  • Linoone is the strongest overall Pickup Pokemon with the combined stats of 420(blaze it)! Linoone has access to trick which can help when you're farming items(such as in the power plant should you be looking for Metal coat/Magnet/Light ball). 
  • Teddiursa has the strongest attack stat out of all the Pickup Pokemon with 80 base stat!
  • Meowth is a popular Pickup Pokemon as it is the only Pokemon(with Pickup) that has access to Payday if you want to earn yourself some extra cash!





Table of Contents

Use 'CTRL + F' for easier searching

  1. - Routes
  2. - Cities
  3. - Caves/Forest/Other
  4. - Islands
  5. - Data Collector Info
  6. - Updates





Route 1:

Potion, Repel, Poke Ball


Route 2:

Potion, Poke Ball, Antidote, Oran Berry


Route 3:

Escape Rope, Poke ball, Potion


Route 4:

Oran Berry, Repel


Route 5:

Poke Ball, Great Ball, Potion, Sun Stone


Route 6:

Chesto Berry, Pecha Berry, Potion


Route 7:

Petaya Berry, Great Ball


Route 8:

Poke Ball, Potion, Great Ball


Route 9:

Repel, Persim Berry, Poke Ball, Great Ball


Route 10:

Repel, Super repel, Poke Ball, Metal Coat, Magnet, Potion, Persim berry, Rawst Berry


Route 11:

Poison Barb, Leppa Berry, Potion, Persim Berry, Poke Ball, Repel, Rawst Berry


Route 12:

Mago Berry, Great Ball, Sun Stone, Super Repel, Ultra Ball, Aguav berry, Max Repel, Super Potion, Stick, Hyper Potion


Route 13: 

Great Ball, Figi Berry, Stick


Route 14:

Hyper Potion, Figy berry, Iapapa Berry, Super Repel, Sun Stone, Stick


Route 15:

Hyper Potion, Sun Stone, Metal Powder, Super Potion


Route 16:

Super Repel, Super Potion, Sitrus Berry, Starf Berry, Repel, Poke Ball


Route 17:

Super Repel, Sitrus Berry, Great Ball, Petaya Berry


Route 18: 

Super Repel, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Iapapa Berry, Wiki Berry


Route 19:

No loot found.

Possibly doesn't have any, needs to be confirmed.


Route 20:

No loot found.

Possibly doesn't have any, needs to be confirmed.


Route 21:

Super Potion, Wiki Berry, Miracle Seed, Sun Stone, Super Repel, Max Repel, Great Ball, Mago Berry, Aguav Berry, Ultra ball, Hyper Potion


Route 22:

Poke ball, Potion


Route 23:

Max Repel, Salac berry, Ultra Ball, Great Ball, Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Petaya Berry, Black Belt


Route 24: 

Potion, Repel, Persim Berry, Aspear Berry, Miracle Seed, Silver Powder


Route 25:

Persim Berry, Repel, Potion, Rawst Berry, Poke Ball




Pallet Town:


Poison Barb


Max Repel, King's Rock, Water Stone


Pewter City:



Viridian City:

No loot found.

Possibly doesn't have any, needs to be confirmed.


Cerulean Cave:



Lavender City:



Saffron City:



Celadon City:

No loot found.

Possibly doesn't have any, needs to be confirmed.


Vermilion City:

Super Potion, Stardust, Starpiece, Pearl, Big Pearl, Dragon Scale, Yellow Shard


Fuchsia City: 

Super Potion, Super Repel, Great Ball


Cinnabar Island:





Viridian Forest:

Potion, Poke ball, Antidote, Oran Berry, Light Ball, Leaf Stone


Diglett's Cave:

Ether, Hard Stone, Max Potion, Repel, Poke ball, Great Ball, Super Potion


Mt. Moon: 

Potion, Repel, Poke Ball, Escape Rope, Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Everstone, Hard Stone, Moon Stone, Dome Fossil, Helix Fossil


Cerulean Cave: 

Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Super Repel, Max Repel, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Black Belt, Metal Coat, Magnet, Twisted Spoon, Metal Powder, Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom


Rock Tunnel:

Everstone, Potion, Ether, Super Potion, Hard Stone


Power Plant: 

Potion, Super Potion, Super Repel, Great Ball, Light Ball, Magnet, Metal Coat, Thunderstone


Lavender tower: 

Super Potion, Super Repel, Great Ball, Spell Tag, Escape Rope


Pokemon Mansion:

No loot found.

Possibly doesn't have any, needs to be confirmed.


Seafoam Island:

Repel, Mystic Water, Nevermeltice, Water Stone, Escape Rope, King's Rock


Victory Road:

Hyper Potion, Super Repel, Hard Stone, Thick Club, Black Belt






Treasure Beach:

No loot found.

Possibly doesn't have any, needs to be confirmed.


Kindle Road:

Black Belt, Hyper Potion, Max Repel, Great Ball, Super Potion, Nugget, Sitrus Berry, Liechi Berry, Petaya Berry


Mt. Ember (outside):

Super Repel, Charcoal, Hard Stone, Sharp Beak, Fire Stone, Max Repel, Ultra Ball, Black Belt, Salac Berry, Sitrus Berry, Apicot Berry, Lansat Berry, Starf Berry, Ganlon Berry


Mt. Ember (Inside):

Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Ultra Ball, Black Belt, Fire Stone




Cape Brink:

Ultra Ball, Miracle Seed, Sun Stone, Starf Berry




Three Isle Path:

Confirmed no loot(No encounters possible)


Three Isle Port:

No loot found.

Possibly doesn't have any, needs to be confirmed.


Bond Bridge:

Silk Scarf, Lansat Berry, Miracle Seed, Salac Berry, Hyper Potion


Berry Forest:

Super Potion, Super Repel, Leftovers, Miracle Seed, Sun Stone, Leaf Stone, Sitrus Berry, Apicot Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Grepa Berry, Lansat Berry, (All EV-berries and stat-boosting berries)




Icefall Cave:

Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Max Repel, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Pearl, Big Pearl, Mystic Water, Nevermeltice, Water Stone, Escape Rope, Kings Rock




Water Labyrinth: 



Resort Gorgeous:



Lost Cave: 

Hyper Potion, Silk Scarf


Five Isle Meadow: 

Super Potion, Super Repel, Great Ball, Up-Grade, Qualot Berry, Grepa, Razz Berry, Ultra Ball, Black Glasses, Pomeg Berry, Tomato Berry, Nanab Berry


Memorial Pillar:

Nanab Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Hyper Potion, Super Repel




Water Path: 



Ruin Valley: 

Hyper Potion, Super Repel


Pattern Bush:

Hyper Potion, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Max Repel, Magost Berry, Cornn Berry, Silverpowder, Rabuta Berry


Green Path:



Outcast Island:



Altering Cave:

Super Potion, Max Repel, Ultra Ball, Berry Juice, Dragon Fang, Metal Coat




Trainer Tower: 



Canyon Entrance:

Hyper Potion, Super Repel, Max Repel, Ultra Ball, Kelpsy Berry, Qualot Berry, Pamtre Berry, Sharp Beak, Great Ball


Sevault Canyon:

Max Repel, Spelon Berry, Hyper Potion, Watmel Berry

malaga 2015.11.05 16:24  
출처 - https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/57984-community-pickup-guide/

※ 포럼에서 검은띠(black belt) 정보 찾던중 공유하면 유용할거같아 끌어왔습니다.
간단하게 설명하면 픽업(포켓몬이 도구를 주워올 때가 있다.) 이라는 특성을 가진포켓몬들과
그 특성을 이용하여 얻을수있는 아이템, 위치에 대한설명입니다.
afyafy 2015.11.05 17:32  
정보 감사함당
픽업 포케 만들어야겠어요 ㅋㅋ
보미 2015.11.07 00:27  
고수님들이 제법 돈벌이 되는 아이템만 추려주셔도 초보님들 노가다하기에 좋을거같네요