(7/22) 업데이트 내역

지나가는행인 13 8028 1 0







  • Pickup can now occur in Hoenn, and occurs slightly more often
  • Added Beauty evolution type
  • OT Dex updates:
    • When Breeding, the OT of the child is now shown beforehand
    • For non-shiny parents, where it would previously show "Unknown OT", it now shows the player's name, but it won't count against the OT dex. The Summary instead shows (Playername*), where the asterisk is only visible to the owner.


Artificial Intelligence

  • Add support for Reflect/Healing skill types
  • Improved swap-in AI



  • The Contest Hall in Lilycove is now open
    • Ranks 'Normal', 'Super', and 'Hyper' can only be fought against NPCs
    • Rewards for 'Normal, Super', and 'Hyper' are only given once
    • For 'Master' ranks:
      • Both NPC and Link battles (up to 4 players) can occur
      • Rewards for NPC battles are renewable
      • Rewards for Link battles are higher, but are limited per day
  • Craft Blocks to pad your Contest stats:
    • Put a 3 Berry combo into a Blender to get a Block:
      • Normal blocks give a moderate amount of their respective stat
      • Plus blocks give a large amount of their respective stat
      • White blocks give a moderate amount of all
      • Black blocks reduce all stats by a large amount


This content requires an Emerald ROM to be loaded



  • Some consumables can now be crafted using a mixture of Berry Powder and other items. Visit a Berry Crush NPC in Celadon or Slateport to craft them.
  • Berry Powder is obtained by crushing Berries. Higher quality berries give more Powder.


Elite Four

  • The Elite Fours' teams now scale, depending on how many times you've defeated them
  • Money's now given at the end of the Elite Four, after defeating the Champion
  • The Elite Four is now instanced
  • Cooldown increased to 45 minutes


Gift Shop

  • PC Expansions are now tradeable items. Maximum PC expansion count is now 10 (from 2)



  • Added Little Cup support
  • Swapping no longer gives battle time on turn end
  • Signup windows for Tournaments are now 15 minutes long
  • Improved displayed times to be more accurate (e.g. Signup starts at HH:MM:SS)
  • In Matchmaking, during signup, players who have been waiting longer will have higher priority when creating matches
  • Tournament framework now supports prizes for 5th-8th, 9th-16th, and 17th-32nd prize brackets



  • HP % is now shown in Battle
  • Tournament/Friend/Team UIs now allow sorting and filtering
  • Some items are now automatically hotkeyed when obtained
  • Default text speed is now 4





  • Move Relearners now require a larger amount of Mushrooms / Heart Scales in order to teach moves. This price varies between 1 to 4, depending on the Base Power of the move, where higher Base Power requires more items (except in the case of Status / Non-damaging moves where the price is static)
  • Some high-end consumable items are no longer sold in Marts.
  • Revival Herb heal % from 100% -> 50%



  • Enigma Berries can now be grown
  • Reduced watering requirements for many berries
  • Leppa Berry growth time from 16h to 24h
  • Cornn, Magost, Rabuta, Nomel berry yields from 4~6 to 6~7
  • Spelon, Pamtre, Watmel, Durin, Belue berry yields from 5~7 to 11~13
  • Lum Berry yields reduced from 9~11 to 7~9
  • Liechi, Ganlon, Salac, Petaya, Apicon, Lansat, Starf berry yields reduced from 16~18 to 11~13


(Several of these Berry changes were applied to Live between the 02/05/2016 update and now. This summarizes the changes.)



    • 2x Hit Chance: 33.3%
    • 3x Hit Chance: 33.3%
    • 4x Hit Chance: 16.7%
    • 5x Hit Chance: 16.7%
    • Base Power: 25
    • Accuracy: 95%
    • Base Power: 120
    • PP: 10
  • THIEF:
    • Removed hard level cap for Thief
    • (PvE) If Thief faints a wild opponent, its steal effect will not function

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a client crash when using items from the hotkey bar on party members while their Summary was open
  • Fixed a client crash with corrupt NDS ROMs
  • Fixed an issue where Battle Frontier ribbons would not apply in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where Eggs could show as Shiny in a PC
  • Fixed an issue where "Unknown OT" party members couldn't be renamed without a fee
  • Fixed an issue where Confusion damage would be boosted by held items
  • Fixed an issue where Life Ball wouldn't deal damage to party members with Wonder Guard
  • Fixed several issues where animations would not play properly at extremely high FPS
  • Emerald's 3rd badge is no longer required in order to spawn the Plant Shop merchant
  • Unusable Out of Battle moves no longer show as clickable in the Summary UI
  • Fixed the Dex not being movable to the far left of the screen
  • Fixed whisper window blinking on minimize if you were the last person who sent a message
  • Fixed buttons not rendering correctly after changing genders in the character creation UI
  • Fixed menu placement for 3rd seed in Planting UI
  • Fixed an issue where, if music was toggled on while in a battle, the wrong track would play
  • Fixed an issue where the server would display the wrong winner when a team wins a battle but fainted due to recoil while the Self-KO PvP clause was active
  • Fixed ordering of base stats for the Dex / GTL
  • Fixed an issue where Snatch would not snatch Stat Boosting moves properly
  • Fixed an issue where in the Settings menu, if a custom resolution was defined, the resolution value would show as blank
  • Fixed an issue where maps which are modified in realtime would not broadcast correctly on reconnection
  • Fixed an issue where players could bypass Tier rules/bans in round 2+ of tournaments (This was hotfixed in mid June by enforcing strict rules on parties during signup periods, every minute. This update removes the strict per-minute checks.)
  • Fixed issues with Italian ROMs showing 'nullnullnull' for several strings
  • Fixed an issue where AI would use Fake Out when it wouldn't do anything
  • Fixed an issue where players could fish into waterfalls
  • Fixed an issue where, in breeding, baby species would not be the result if the Father was holding the respective incense.
  • Fixed an issue where AI in double battles would prioritize killing their allies instead of opponents
  • Fixed an issue where, in battle, item usage would broadcast before switching if both were cast on the same turn
  • Fixed an issue where Event maps (e.g. North Pole) would show as locations in the Dex
  • Fixed an issue where followers would mirror player movements in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where fade-in widgets wouldn't be on top until after the fade animation completed
  • Improved readability of light-gui for move relearners
  • Players can't send mail when their inbox is full
  • Fixed level scaling not working properly in Battle Tent facilities
  • Fixed healing in Battle Tent facilities after battle
  • Fixed an issue where Baton Pass would give certain turn count-dependent effects an extra hit (Truant, Fake Out)



  • PC Box nicknames have been reset due to adding support for more boxes.
  • Some items (Full Heal, Full Restore, Max Potion) have been removed from player inventories due to being removed from Marts, and added to Crafting. Money has been refunded for each removed ($600/ea, $3000/ea, $2500/ea respectively) to affected players.
콘테스트 업데이트 밀로틱사용가능 등등

순한개 2016.07.22 19:47  
업데이트 후에 먹통이네요 로그인 창에 글씨가 안보이고.. 접속이 안돼는데 다른 분들은 잘 돌아가나요?
예의바른첼시팬 2016.07.22 19:52  
저도 윗분처럼 먹통이네요 ㅜ
콜라곰 2016.07.22 19:53  
저도 안되요 ㅠㅠ 같은 상황이네요
afyafy 2016.07.22 20:05  
콘테스트가 드뎌!
소양강처녀 2016.07.22 20:42  
먹통 미투 데쓰네ㅠㅠ
등뒤에핫삼 2016.07.22 21:12  
콘테스트가 나온다면 이제 곧 밀로틱도!?
지나가는행인 2016.07.22 21:13  
곧이아니라 풀렸습니다!
Yji  2016.07.22 21:43  
영어 압박...
동동쓰 2016.07.22 22:09  
크롬쓰시면 우클릭하셔서 번역을..ㅎㅎ 완벽하진않지만 어느정도 알겠네요
퍼그 2016.07.23 06:28  
호엔에서 픽업할 수 있음. 그리고, 이 곳이 확률이 더 높음
뷰티 타입 진화 가능

리플렉트/힐링 스킬 타입 지원
AI 교체하는거 더 잘하게됨

Lilycove의 콘테스트 홀이 오픈함(호연 마을중 하나)
자세한건 영문 내용 확인

사천왕을 패배시킬수록 난이도 오름. 대신 이기면 이제 돈 줌.
사천왕 쿨타임이 45분으로 늘어남

PC확장권이 이제 거래가능함(올레~~~)
최대 PC 확장이 기존2박스에서 10박스로 변경됨

리틀 컵 대전을 지원함(토너먼트를 컵대회방식으로 자체적으로 열수있나봄)

기본 텍스트 속도가 이제 4가됨(빨라진건지 느려진건지 모르겠음)

핀미사일 기술 변경 (쁘사이저 살아나나?)
꽃잎댄스 파워 120됨.
도둑질 기술의 레벨차 제한이 사라짐

-- 대충 중요한것만 번역. 급한데로 보세요.
지나가는행인 2016.07.23 12:36  
저도 벌레기술인줄알았더니 알고보니 아니더군요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
퍼그 2016.07.23 23:32  
핀 미사일 벌레 기술 맞을껄요?
5~6세대에서 상향된 기술인데... 그거 기준으로 바뀐거 같음.
여전히 쓰레기지만...
지나가는행인 2016.07.23 23:34  
ㄴㄴ확인해보니까 Fury Cutter가 벌레기술이더군요