12/11 업데이트 내역

지나가는행인 3 9076 0 0
  • General
    • Added Unova Gym Leader rematches
    • Battle Point vendors now stock the following items:
      • Ability Pill (Untradeable) @ 2250BP
      • Swift Wing @ 150BP
      • Clever Wing @ 150BP
      • Genius Wing @ 150BP
      • Resist Wing @ 150BP
      • Muscle Wing @ 150BP
      • Health Wing @ 150BP
      • Power Anklet (Untradeable) @ 750BP
      • Power Band (Untradeable) @ 750BP
      • Power Lens (Untradeable) @ 750BP
      • Power Belt (Untradeable) @ 750BP
      • Power Bracer (Untradeable) @ 750BP
      • Power Weight (Untradeable) @ 750BP
  • Skills
    • Added support for Power Trick
    • Added Move Tutors for the following moves:
      • After You
      • Aqua Tail
      • Bug Bite
      • Dark Pulse
      • Defog
      • Dual Chop
      • Drill Run
      • Earth Power
      • Electroweb
      • Foul Play
      • Gastro Acid
      • Gunk Shot
      • Gravity
      • Iron Head
      • Last Resort
      • Magic Room
      • Magnet Rise
      • Seed Bomb
      • Sleep Talk
      • Snatch
      • Stealth Rock
      • Wonder Room
      • Worry Seed
      • Uproar
      • Zen Headbutt
      • These tutors may be found in Nacrene City, Castelia City, and Mistralton City.
    • The following moves are now available through Battle Point tutors in the Battle Frontier:
      • Drain Punch
      • Roost
      • Sucker Punch
      • Tailwind
    • Not all moves are currently supported. Please see this announcement for a list of Gen 5 moves: https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/announcement/30-generation-5-move-progress/
  • Abilities
    • Added support for the following Abilities:
      • Adaptability
      • Snow Warning
      • Sand Rush
      • Regenerator
      • Iron Barbs
      • Defeatist
      • Technician
      • Poison Heal
      • Magic Guard
      • Skill Link
      • Solid Rock
      • Super Luck
      • Tinted Lens
      • Download
      • Heatproof
      • Hydration
      • Iron Fist
      • Multiscale
      • No Guard
      • Quick Feet
      • Scrappy
    • Not all abilities are currently supported. Please see this announcement for a list of supported Gen 5 abilities:https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/announcement/31-generation-5-ability-progress/
  • UI
    • Added support for B/W sprite/follower mods
    • Added advanced filters for PC search
    • Added move animations for Ice Fang, Slack Off, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Toxic, Overheat, Psychic, Rest, Eruption, Fake Out, False Swipe, Flare Blitz, Thunder, Heal Bell, Rock Slide, Hidden Power, ExtremeSpeed, Blizzard
    • Added inline move effectivity indicators
  • Gift Shop

New items have been added to the Gift Shop:


  • Rudolph's Antlers  lBoEmdc.gif
  • This item will be available for the duration of the 2017 Christmas holiday.




  • Rematches against most NPCs no longer go on cooldown if the player loses.
    • This does not apply to instances, such as the Elite 4.
  • Reduced base stats of storyline Kanto/Hoenn Elite 4 battles slightly
  • Unova's storyline E4 Legendary's stats / movepool have been improved
  • Slightly increased base stats/levels of Gym 8 battles in all regions
    • The level cap for Kanto's Gym 7 has been increased from 52 to 54
    • The level cap for Hoenn's Badge 7 has been increased from 48 to 50
    • The level cap for Unova's Badge 7 has been increased from 46 to 48
  • Increased levels of wild encounters for several maps
    • This primarily affects areas in the Early/Late Game, like Victory Road, where the available EXP against the next Gym Leader / Elite 4 was lower than intended
  • Storyline battles no longer use PP bonuses on NPCs
  • Reduced the amount of PP usable by NPCs when using healing skills (Roost, etc.)
  • Gym Leader rematch cooldowns have been reduced from 20 hours to 18 hours

Elite 4

  • Increased money gain for the Elite 4 slightly (~12%)
  • The Elite 4 now gives 3,500 BP upon initial victories
  • On Rematches, the Elite 4 now gives:
    • 1,500 BP for Rematch 1
    • 1,600 BP for Rematch 2
    • 1,800 BP for Rematch 3
    • 2,000 BP for Rematches 4+
  • Elite 4 instance cooldowns have been increased from 45 minutes to 1 hour


  • "Item Maniac" items can now be sold to merchants
  • Antidote now heals for 20 HP when used. Price $350 -> $600. Recipe is now -> 1 Berry Powder / 1 Pecha Berry
  • Burn Heal now heals for 20 HP when used. Price $750 -> $600. Recipe is now -> 1 Berry Powder / 1 Rawst Berry
  • Ice Heal now heals for 20 HP when used. Price $750 -> $600. Recipe is now -> 1 Berry Powder / 1 Aspear Berry
  • Awakening now heals for 20 HP when used. Price $400 -> $600. Recipe is now -> 1 Berry Powder / 1 Chesto Berry
  • Parlyz Heal now heals for 20 HP when used. Price $750 -> $600. Recipe is now -> 1 Berry Powder / 1 Cheri Berry
  • Heal Powder's price has been increased from $600 -> $900
  • Energy Powder's price has been increased from $700 -> $900
  • Soda Pop price has been increased from $500 -> $600
  • Lemonade's price has been increased from $700 -> $750
  • Lava Cookie / Casteliacone price has been reduced from $2500 -> $1200
  • Revive's price has been reduced from $3500 -> $3250. Revive's crafting recipe has been removed.
  • Full Heal now heals for 25% total HP as well as removing all conditions, when used. Recipe is now -> 12 Berry Powder / 3 Heal Powder
  • Max Potion recipe is now -> 8 Berry Powder / 2 EnergyPowder
  • Full Restore recipe is now -> 12 Berry Powder / 3 Heal Powder / 3 EnergyPowder
  • Max Revive's recipe is now -> 14 Berry Powder / 4 Heal Powder / 1 Revival Herb
  • Ether now increases PP of a move by 15. Recipe is now -> 3 Berry Powder / 1 Leppa Berry
  • Elixir's recipe is now -> 8 Berry Powder / 3 Leppa Berry
  • Max Ether's recipe is now -> 8 Powder / 3 Leppa Berry
  • Max Elixir's recipe is now -> 16 Berry Powder / 8 Leppa Berry
  • Rare Candy's recipe is now -> 25 Berry Powder / 3 Berry Juice
  • PP Up's recipe is now -> 30 Berry Powder / 2 White Herb
  • PP Max's recipe is now -> 90 Berry Powder / 6 White Herb
  • HP Up's recipe is now -> 3 Berry Powder / 1 Health Wing
  • Protein's recipe is now -> 3 Berry Powder / 1 Muscle Wing
  • Iron's recipe is now -> 3 Berry Powder / 1 Resist Wing
  • Calcium's recipe is now -> 3 Berry Powder / 1 Genius Wing
  • Carbos's recipe is now -> 3 Berry Powder / 1 Swift Wing
  • Zinc's recipe is now -> 3 Berry Powder / 1 Clever Wing
  • Wings now increase their respective EVs by 5
  • Added Hyper HP Up / Hyper Protein / Hyper Iron / Hyper Carbos / Hyper Calcium / Hyper Zinc
    • These Vitamins increase EVs by 50 when used and are available where Vitamin crafting is possible.
    • Hyper HP Up Recipe -> 14 Berry Powder / 5 Health Wing
    • Hyper Protein Recipe -> 14 Berry Powder / 5 Muscle Wing
    • Hyper Iron Recipe -> 14 Berry Powder / 5 Resist Wing
    • Hyper Calcium Recipe -> 14 Berry Powder / 5 Genius Wing
    • Hyper Zinc Recipe -> 14 Berry Powder / 5 Clever Wing
    • Hyper Carbos Recipe -> 14 Berry Powder / 5 Swift Wing


  • Added Berry Patches to Unova. These patches are available in Mistralton City and Abundant Shrine.
    • Added a flypoint to Abundant Shrine.
  • Berries being salvaged into Berry Powder now give 1 Berry Powder. Previously, this was 1/2/4 depending on the tier of the plant.
  • Berries being salvaged into Seeds now always give 1 Seed (Tier 1/Tier 2 seed rates remain the same, 70%/30%). Previously this was 1 or 2 (at a 75/25% rate respectively.)
  • Plain seeds can now be obtained in Unova's pickup tables instead of Wings.
  • Harvesting Tool price $250 -> $350
  • Berry Powder sell price $10 -> $450
  • Spicy Seed / Dry Seed / Sweet Seed / Bitter Seed / Sour Seed sell price $5 -> $300
  • Very Spicy Seed / Very Dry Seed / Very Sweet Seed / Very Bitter Seed / Very Sour Seed sell price $5 -> $750
  • Cheri Berry / Chesto Berry / Pecha Berry / Rawst Berry / Aspear Berry / Oran Berry / Persim Berry / Razz Berry / Bluk Berry / Nanab Berry / Wepear Berry / Pinap Berry sell price $10 -> $700
  • Leppa Berry / Figy Berry / Wiki Berry / Mago Berry / Aguav Berry / Iapapa Berry  sell price $10 -> $900
  • Pomeg Berry / Kelpsy Berry / Qualot Berry / Hondew Berry / Grepa Berry / Tamato Berry sell price $10 -> $1050
  • Spelon Berry / Pamtre Berry / Watmel Berry / Durin Berry / Belue Berry / Occa Berry / Passho Berry / Wacan Berry / Rindo Berry / Yache Berry / Chople Berry / Kebia Berry / Shuca Berry / Coba Berry / Payapa Berry / Tanga Berry / Charti Berry / Kasib Berry / Haban Berry / Colbur Berry / Babiri Berry / Chilan Berry sell price $10 -> $1100
  • Lum Berry / Sitrus Berry / Liechi Berry / Ganlon Berry / Salac Berry / Petaya Berry / Apicot Berry / Lansat Berry / Starf Berry / Enigma Berry / Micle Berry / Custap Berry / Jaboca Berry / Rowap Berry sell price $10 -> $1300
  • Cheri Berry / Chesto Berry / Pecha Berry / Rawst Berry / Aspear Berry / Razz Berry / Bluk Berry / Nanab Berry / Wepear Berry / Pinap Berry yields have been reduced from 4~6 to 3~6 per plant.
  • Oran Berry / Persim Berry plant yields have been changed from 4~5 to 3~6. Wither times have been reduced from 210 to 150.
  • Leppa Berry yields have been reduced from 6~8 to 6~7 per plant.
  • Figy Berry / Wiki Berry / Mago Berry / Aguav Berry / Iapapa Berry yields have been reduced from 6~8 to 6~7 per plant.
  • Lum Berry / Sitrus Berry yields have been increased from 8~9 to 8~10 per plant.
  • Enigma Berry's growth time has been increased from 1 day to 2 days and its yields changed from 6~7 to 8~10 per plant.
  • Micle Berry / Custap Berry / Jaboca Berry / Rowap Berry plant yields have been increased from 8~9 to 8~10 per plant.
  • Wilt times are now 8 hours for all berries

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several client crashes
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck in P2 Laboratory
  • Fixed seasons not updating correctly if a player logged in to a new season, until the player entered/exited an indoor map
  • Fixed an issue where the Thief message's targets were backwards
  • Abilities in-battle now activate in the order of highest Speed
  • The Powder Jar is no longer a required item to use the "Berry Crushing" function
  • Fixed an issue where Master Balls wouldn't be correctly distributed in some cases
  • Added character mode (もじモード/文字モード) selection for JP B/W ROMs
  • Added an additional indicator to see which ability was Traced
  • Fixed Feebas not showing in the Dex's location menus
  • Fixed Hoenn's Gym Leader rematch cooldowns being much lower than intended
  • Revival Herbs HP gain is now 50% on revive
  • Fixed Enigma Berry's indicator when planting seeds
  • In Double / Triple Battles, Lightning Rod only redirects single-target Electric-type skills.
  • Fixed an issue where Confusion's damaging effects would occur more often than intended (33%).
    • This change only affects skills like Confusion Ray, and does not apply to Disobedience.
  • Fixed an issue where, if the player's party fainted while simultaneously creating a new party member (e.g. Nincada), the player wouldn't white out properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Evolution UI wouldn't scale in the same manner as the Battle UI, in some cases
  • Multi-hit moves now calculate their crit chances on each hit rather than on cast
  • Fixed an issue where untradeable items could not be sold to Marts
  • Added support for B/W sound mods
  • Fixed Nidorina/Nidoqueen egg groups
  • Elite 4 levels now scale more aggressively for the first two rematch sets
    • This affected a case where the scaling multiplier could create easier matches than intended due to the high level cap increase between "Badge 8" and "Post-E4".
  • Fixed an issue where [Enter] would not focus the chat box in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where, if Trade/Global Chat messages were sent but failed to broadcast due to cooldowns, they could still auto-mute players for spam
  • Fixed an issue where form/gendered party icons wouldn't be shown correctly
  • Fixed an issue where children in breeding wouldn't inherit the form of the parent
  • Fixed an issue where followers wouldn't update their sprite if they evolved
  • Fixed an issue where overworld abilities (e.g. Pickup) wouldn't update if their party member evolved into a species which didn't have the ability
  • Fixed an issue where AI would try to use OHKO skills against immune targets
  • Fixed an issue where the UI Hide function (F12) would not hide certain elements
  • Fixed an issue where NPC movement could break when traversing from indoor to outdoor maps
  • Fixed Sweet Scent usage on non-grid map types
  • Damage inflicted by Weather is now ordered by Speed
  • Fixed battle message for bind-type moves (Whirlpool/Fire Spin/etc.)
  • Fixed Freeze icon not disappearing when unthawing from skill usage (Scald, etc.)
  • Fixed an issue where unobtainable Egg Moves could be distributed through Event prizes



  • This update will perform a rollback of several items due to economic and availability changes:
    • For players with >495 of Plain Spicy Seed or Plain Dry Seed or Plain Sweet Seed or Plain Bitter Seed or Plain Sour Seed, the counts of each item have been reduced to 495, and the player refunded $300 for each seed removed.
    • For players with >495 of Very Spicy Seed or Very Dry Seed or Very Sweet Seed or Very Bitter Seed or Very Sour Seed, the counts of each item have been reduced to 495, and the player refunded $1000 for each seed removed.
    • For players with any amount of Health Wing or Muscle Wing or Resist Wing or Genius Wing or Clever Wing or Swift Wing, the items have been removed, and the player refunded $750 for each wing removed.
    • Refunds will be mailed from System and may be claimed via the PC's Mail function.
  • Players which have already cleared the storyline Unova Elite 4 have been retroactively credited 3500 BP.
    • Due to the difficulty changes between the older versions of the Kanto/Hoenn Elite 4 and the current versions, we will not retroactively be granting BP rewards for their completion.

zerory 2017.12.11 21:33  
크리스마스 업데이트인가보네요 ㅎㅎ
캡틴 2017.12.12 17:34  
저만 -data/sprites/addons.pak 에서 멈추나요?
캡틴 2017.12.12 17:34  
약1시간 동안 햇는데