11/23 패치내역

지나가는행인 5 8380 0 0


  • Crafting updates
    • Added Crafting NPCs to Castelia/Driftveil/League Marts, in Unova
    • Healing item creation has been rebalanced to:
      • Antidote -> 2 Berry Powder / 1 Pecha Berry
      • Burn Heal -> 2 Berry Powder / 1 Rawst Berry
      • Ice Heal -> 2 Berry Powder / 1 Aspear Berry
      • Awakening -> 2 Berry Powder / 1 Chesto Berry
      • Parlyz Heal -> 2 Berry Powder / 1 Cheri Berry
      • Revive -> 3 Berry Powder / 1 Revival Herb
      • Full Heal -> 6 Berry Powder / 1 Heal Powder
      • Max Potion -> 10 Berry Powder / 4 EnergyPowder
      • Ether -> 6 Berry Powder / 1 Leppa Berry
      • Elixir -> 10 Berry Powder / 2 Leppa Berry
      • HP Up -> 6 Berry Powder / 1 Mental Herb / 1 Pomeg Berry
      • Protein -> 6 Berry Powder / 1 Mental Herb / 1 Kelpsy Berry
      • Iron -> 6 Berry Powder / 1 Mental Herb / 1 Qualot Berry
      • Calcium -> 6 Berry Powder / 1 Mental Herb / 1 Hondew Berry
      • Carbos -> 6 Berry Powder / 1 Mental Herb  / 1 Tamato Berry
      • Zinc -> 6 Berry Powder / 1 Mental Herb / 1 Grepa Berry
      • Full Restore -> 12 Berry Powder / 1 Full Heal / 1 Max Potion
      • Max Revive -> 18 Berry Powder / 1 Revive / 1 Revival Herb
      • Max Ether -> 15 Berry Powder / 2 Ether
      • Max Elixir -> 15 Berry Powder / 2 Elixir
      • PP Up -> 28 Berry Powder / 2 White Herb
      • PP Max -> 20 Berry Powder / 2 White Herb / 2 PP Up
      • Rare Candy -> 40 Berry Powder / 4 Berry Juice
  • General
    • Hyper Potion pricing $1200 -> $1400
    • GTL limits updated: Max Listings 200 -> 300 ; Default duration 20d -> 30d

Bug Fixes

  • Improved support for NDS lighting fx
  • Fixed several client crashes
  • Fixed various issues with models in Castelia
  • Fixed default Xbox Controller mappings
  • Fixed controller interactions with Town Map
  • Fixed some instances of untradeable items existing for trade evo purposes
  • Fixed transparent buildings in some NDS areas
  • Fixed chat positioning / sizing not saving/restoring correctly in some instances
  • Fixed several issues related to input handling
  • Fixed Mail fee not showing correctly if certain items were attached
  • Fixed Follow Me not redirecting attacks in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where "Random Adjacent Foe" targeting for skills would not revalidate if the target fainted before the skill was called
  • Fixed Eggs showing as 'Able' to learn skills in learning dialogues
  • Badge Count requirements for Surf/Waterfall in Unova have been updated from 5 to 6.
  • Fixed Ribbon strings
  • Fixed an issue where Leftovers animation was not handled properly by PvP timers
  • Fixed Secret Base music tile tracks
  • Fixed an issue where, if the player and a Gym Leader fainted on the same turn in NDS regions, the player would win the battle
  • Fixed Hidden Power type calculations for Trainer Tower / Battle Frontier / Gym Leader / Elite 4 matches
  • Fixed issues where certain operating system locales could replace latin characters with cyrillic
  • Fixed unobtainable species count in Dex
  • Fixed evolution item availability for Gen 5 species
  • Fixed Emolga being unavailable in certain seasons
  • Fixed Town Map / Rod hotkeys breaking when changing regions
  • Fixed "Level Up during Day/Night" untradeable items not evolving properly
  • Fixed an issue where NDS boulder positions would not restore properly in some cases
  • Fixed rarity calculations in the Dex not respecting conditional spawns, like seasons/day/night

제론 2017.11.23 18:15  
혹시 업데이트는 언제까지인지 아시나요?
제론 2017.11.23 18:16  
아직 서버가 안열려서..
지나가는행인 2017.11.23 18:28  
잘 모르겠네여
Deadpool 2017.11.23 18:44  
짜잘 짜잘한 업데이트 계속 하네요
youkip 2017.11.24 14:11  
오호..pp max, pp up 얻을방법이없었는데, 이제 만들수있네요. 레어캔디도 가격만 낮다면 만들어서 쓸것 같습니다. ㅎㅎ