업데이트 내역

지나가는행인 5 9461 0 0


  • Generation 5
    • PokeMMO now requires a Black 1 / White 1 NDS ROM to launch the game.
      • FireRed has been removed as a ROM requirement.
      • GBA areas are now optional content which may be accessed through Castelia City's docks. Unova may be accessed through the existing docks in Vermilion / Slateport.
    • Unova is now a playable region
      • Certain version-exclusive areas, such as Black City, are inaccessible at this time and will be merged at a later date.
    • Added Gen 4/5 species/forms/etc.
      • Movesets are now based on Gen 7-2
    • Added Triple Battles
    • Added Seasons. Day state changes now reflect Gen 5's:
    • MorningDayEveningNight
      4:00 AM-10:59 AM11:00 AM-5:59 PM6:00 PM-8:59 PM

      9:00 PM-3:59 AM

  • LibGDX engine
    • PokeMMO's minimum specifications have been increased, from an OpenGL 1.4+ GPU to an OpenGL 2.0+ GPU.
      • This breaks compatibility with very old chipsets, such as G31/G33, and primarily affects Intel Integrated Graphics/S3 Graphics.
    • Anti-aliasing is now available for 3D areas in the Settings menu. Up to 16x MSAA is available. MSAA changes requires an application restart to apply.
      • Anti-aliasing may not work on certain Intel Graphics GPUs even though the option is set. This is due to a driver bug which shows MSAA as available, where support doesn't exist. MSAA for Intel iGPUs is limited to 8x, but may only work properly at 4x due to chipset bugs.
    • All regions (NDS/GBA) now use a 3D battle renderer
  • Player Customization
    • Characters now show their cosmetic items in-battle
  • UI
    • Added Global chat
    • Trade Chat is now a Global chat type
    • Added player-customizable in-battle sprites
    • Added Bag searching
    • Battle actions for Double/Triple Battles can now be reversed before the turn is locked-in
    • Added "Sort by Tiering" in the GTL
    • Added Price Min/Max filtering in the GTL
  • Moves
    • Added Roost, Gyro Ball, Close Combat, Sucker Punch, Toxic Spikes, Defog, Trick Room, Stealth Rock, Hurricane, Last Resort, Hammer Arm, Tailwind, Flare Blitz, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Charge Beam, Fiery Dance, Head Smash, Psyshock, Psystrike, Secret Sword, Venoshock, Quiver Dance, Heavy Slam, Heat Crash, Flame Charge, Coil, Clear Smog, Shell Smash, Hex, Acrobatics, Storm Throw, Frost Breath, Work Up, Cotton Guard, Autotomize, Acid Spray, Simple Beam, Entrainment, Stored Power, Shift Gear, Brine, Trump Card, Wring Out, Crush Grip, Gastro Acid, Power Swap, Guard Swap, Punishment, Aqua Ring, Hone Claws, Copycat, Healing Wish, Feint, Metal Burst, Payback, U-Turn, Volt Switch, Assurance, Bug Bite, Pluck
  • General
    • GTL listings now forcibly delist after 10 days from creation
    • GTL fees are now limited to 5% or 25,000, whichever is lower
    • GTL usage is restricted to 4+ badges (in any region)
    • GTL listings are limited to 200 per type (200 species + 200 items)
    • Mailbox sizes have been increased to 250
    • Fees for mailboxes have been reduced to $100 if no item/species is attached
    • Mail may now be used outside of the PC
      • Claiming/Sending items is still restricted to the PC
    • Default PC sizes have been increased from 420 to 660


  • General
    • Elite 4 payouts have been increased by ~10%
    • Berry growth times have been rebalanced around 22/46/70 hour timers
    • Move learnsets across evolution trees are now more consistent for Tutor/TM learn types
      • This primarily addresses situations where a species could learn a move via a TM, but not a Tutor, where a Tutor & TM existed for the move. The species can now learn the Move through both methods.
  • Kanto/Hoenn
    • Storyline battles have been updated for Generation 5 buildsets
    • Kanto's monetary rewards for tutorial sections are now more inline with Hoenn's/Unova's
    • Gym Leader payouts are now more consistent across all regions
    • The Battle Frontier's Rental builds have been updated for Generation 5 buildsets
    • Added Gym Leader rematches for Kanto gyms 1-7
    • Levels of wild encounters in these areas are no longer heavily skewed towards lower levels
    • Monetary/EXP scaling of common trainer rematches in Kanto/Hoenn have been rescaled
      • Tier 1 trainers now scale from levels 9~40
      • Tier 2 trainers now scale from levels 9~48
      • Tier 3 trainers now scale from levels 9~56
      • This does not affect instanced / special trainers, such as Gym Leaders or the Elite 4.
  • EXP
    • EXP gain now uses a modified Gen 3 formula with custom values per-species
    • Disobedience is now classified per-region
      • (Badge Count: 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/Post-E4)
      • Kanto: 20/26/34/38/46/48/50/52/62/100
      • Hoenn: 20/24/28/32/34/38/44/48/60/100
      • Unova: 20/24/28/30/34/38/42/46/56/100
      • Disobedient party members will now exit the battle immediately
      • Gifts no longer obey 100% of the time in their region
      • When a party member has reached the cap for disobedience in their region, they will no longer gain levels until a new badge is obtained. They will retain the EXP gained and level-up after a Gym Leader is defeated.
    • Lucky Egg EXP has been reduced from 1.5x -> 1.1x
    • Hordes are now more common in certain areas
    • Levels of wild encounters are now, on average, higher in most areas, and no longer scale in extremely wide ranges (e.g. {5..40})
  • Battle Points
    • Ranked PvP base Battle Point gain has been reduced from 4000 -> 3500
    • Battle Point Move Tutor costs in the Battle Frontier have been rescaled:
      • 35,000 -> 12,000
      • 30,000 -> 11,000
      • 25,000 -> 10,000
      • 15,000 -> 8,000
      • 10,000 -> 7,500
      • 5,000 -> 5,000
  • Moves
    • Air Cutter Base Power -> 60
    • Assurance Base Power -> 60
    • Aura Sphere Base Power -> 80
    • Blizzard Base Power -> 110
    • Bubble Base Power -> 40
    • Chatter Base Power -> 65
    • Crabhammer Base Power -> 100
    • Draco Meteor Base Power -> 130
    • Dragon Pulse Base Power -> 85
    • Energy Ball Base Power -> 90
    • Fire Blast Base Power -> 110
    • Fire Pledge Base Power -> 80
    • Flamethrower Base Power -> 90
    • Frost Breath Base Power -> 60
    • Fury Cutter Base Power -> 40
    • Future Sight Base Power -> 120
    • Grass Pledge Base Power -> 80
    • Heat Wave Base Power -> 95
    • Hex Base Power -> 65
    • Hidden Power Base Power -> 60
    • Hurricane Base Power -> 110
    • Hydro Pump Base Power -> 110
    • Ice Beam Base Power -> 90
    • Incinerate Base Power -> 60
    • Leaf Storm Base Power -> 130
    • Lick Base Power -> 30
    • Low Sweep Base Power -> 65
    • Magma Storm Base Power -> 110
    • Meteor Mash Base Power -> 90
    • Muddy Water Base Power -> 90
    • Overheat Base Power -> 130
    • Pin Missile Base Power -> 25
    • Power Gem Base Power -> 80
    • Rock Tomb Base Power -> 60
    • Skull Bash Base Power -> 130
    • Smelling Salts Base Power -> 70
    • Smog Base Power -> 30
    • Snore Base Power -> 50
    • Storm Throw Base Power -> 60
    • Struggle Bug Base Power -> 50
    • Surf Base Power -> 90
    • Synchronoise Base Power -> 120
    • Techno Blast Base Power -> 120
    • Thief Base Power -> 60
    • Thunder Base Power -> 110
    • Thunderbolt Base Power -> 90
    • Vine Whip Base Power -> 45
    • Wake-Up Slap Base Power -> 70
    • Water Pledge Base Power -> 80
    • Leech Life Base Power -> 80
    • Sucker Punch Base Power -> 70
    • Tackle Base Power -> 40
    • Outrage Base Power -> 90
    • Defog now clears away Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock present on both sides of the field. It still only clears away Safeguard, Mist, Reflect, and Light Screen from the target's side of the field.
    • Destiny Bond will always fail if it was successfully executed on the previous turn
    • Sheer Cold no longer affects ice types.
    • Mimicked moves now have 5 PP.
    • Conversion changes the caster's type to match the type of the first move's typing
    • After You, Attract, Bestow, Bug Buzz, Chatter, Conversion 2, Curse, Destiny Bond, Disable, Echoed Voice, Encore, Foresight, Gear Up, Grass Whistle, Growl, Grudge, Guard Swap, Haze, Heal Bell, Heart Swap, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyper Voice, Imprison, Instruct, Metal Sound, Odor Sleuth, Perish Song, Power Swap, Psych Up, Reflect Type, Relic Song, Roar, Role Play, Round, Screech, Sing, Skill Swap, Snarl, Snore, Spite, Supersonic, Taunt, Torment, Uproar, and Whirlwind will now hit a target through Substitute
    • Scald thaws a target on hit
    • Assist / Copycat can not call Roar, Whirlwind, or semi-invulnerable moves such as Dig
    • Body SlamDragon RushShadow ForceSteamroller, and Stomp will no longer miss while the target is under the effects of Minimize
    • Water Sport / Mud Sport persist for 5 turns after switching out
    • Nature Power may now call Tri-Attack in PvP
    • BlockMean Look, and Spider Web now bypass Protect
    • Snatch may now steal Recycle
    • Confusion now has a 33% chance to inflict self-damage
    • Paralysis speed reduction 75% -> 50%
    • Burn damage is now 6.25% of Total HP
    • Cotton Spore targeting has changed from 'Any adjacent' to 'All foes adjacent'
    • Nature Power targeting has changed from 'Self' to 'Any adjacent'

Bug Fixes

  • Improved handling of network latency during scripted events and certain tile movements
  • Improved client memory management when handling many character customization items
  • Fixed an issue where the Trainer Tower's leveling did not scale upwards. The Trainer Tower has been re-enabled
  • Fixed an issue where, when returning from Matchmaking, teleporting would not respect the world's height



  • For species which have gained new evolutions, if they were Level >=96, they have been reduced to Lv 95 so that they may evolve.
  • PvP tiers have been wiped in preparation for the new metagame. For discussion on the temporary tiering, please see the Temporary Update Tier Discussion topic in Competition Alley
  • There were probably a lot more things. We forgot to write them down. Go look in-game

새로운메타를 위해 티어는 임시로 쓴다네요


테섭과 다르게 유턴, 볼트체인지가 구현됐네요. 드래곤테일, 속임수는 아직 미구현인듯. 

타워기술 비용이 줄어든것도 눈에 띄네요.

기존과 달리 배찌가 부족하면 레벨이 안오른다네요. 멋모르고 배찌 개수보다 높게 올려서 피보는 경우가 많은데 좋군요.

youkip 2017.11.15 14:22  
역린90~드클써야겠네요. 드디어 보복,기습이 업데이트 되는군요 ㅋㅋ 바람직합니다. 볼트체인지랑 유턴이라 ..기대되네요.
파레롬이제 안쓴다는거같은데, 에메랄드랑 블화롬만 있으면 되는건가, 궁금하네요.
radical 2017.11.15 14:27  
으... 3세대 더블티어 시대가 끝나는구나.. ㅜㅜ 저는 이제 박수칠때 떠날꺼니까 5세대에는 나리님이나 다른분들이 더블티어 좀 쓸어주thㅔ요
부콘 2017.11.15 14:57  
읔ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 빨리업뎃돼라
영호 2017.11.15 16:57  
오늘 자정이면 업뎃 되있으려나?

한가지 팁을 드리자면 5세대스타팅중 스피드가 가장빠른건 주리비얀임.
블화1에선 처음부터 라이벌 둘이서 주인공을 다굴?함.  ...그때 선빵필승으로 둘다 이길 확률이 꽤 있음.
선빵필승을 원하시면 주리비얀 추천.간지도 있고  참고로 실전에서도 좋다고 함.
멍때리는눈팅 2017.11.15 17:57  
스타팅은 원래 풀이 진리죠 드특으로 심꾸풀리면 샤로다가 강해서 좋을텐데