해외 대회 - 통통코 잡기

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Scout's Purrfect Match (Friday 18th December)



tiny_heart_emoticon_by_gasara-d79d7v1.giheart-icon2.pngtiny_heart_emoticon_by_gasara-d79d7v1.gi Scout's Purrfect Match tiny_heart_emoticon_by_gasara-d79d7v1.giheart-icon2.pngtiny_heart_emoticon_by_gasara-d79d7v1.gi



Scout the shiny Skitty likes to think of herself as a bit of a cupid in PokeMMO, helping a lot of lonesome Pokemon find true love. This time, however, she is looking for some help with her latest matchmaking project. She wants to find her friend Shiny Hoppip a match made in heaven, the trouble is that Shiny Hoppip is very picky when it comes to potential suitors. Scout would like your help finding a Male Hoppip with the highest IV's possible. If you are lucky you could find that Shiny Hoppip will come and take up residence with you!



  1. All entries will have the IVs added together and the one highest overall total will be declared the winner. 
  2. All entries MUST be male or the entry will not count.
  3. All entries must be submitted to participating staff members by linking them in whispers. After the hour is over, players have 10 minutes to submit their entries. 
  4. The entry that you submit MUST be your OT and have been caught in the 1 hour period designated.
  5. Only one entry per player, once you have submitted an entry you are not allowed to change it, so think carefully before deciding. 

Date: Friday 18th December

Time: Catching time starts at 3pm EST | 8pm GMT until 4pm EST | 9pm GMT - any Hoppip caught outside of this time will not be valid.

Location: The results will be announced at the Island 5 Pokemon Centre on Channel 7 at 4.30pm EST | 9.30pm GMT.


1st Place Prize:


Shiny GIFT Hoppip with Encore

Your choice of nature with IVs HP 25 | ATK 25 | DEF 25 | SPEED 31 | SP.ATK 25 | SP.DEF 25  - Untradeable


1,000,000 Pokeyen


1000 Reward Points


2nd Place Prize:

Runner Up's choice of

500,000 Pokeyen


500 Reward Points


제한 시간동안 가장 높은 IV의 수컷 통통코를 잡는 사람이 우승하는 대회입니다.

실전이 없으신 초보분들도 쉽게 참여할수 있는 대회입니다.

한국 시간 기준 19일 토요일 섀벽 5시부터 6시까지 진행됩니다. 


푸푸린 2015.12.08 12:11  
통통코가 왜 비행타입까지 가지나 했더니 프로펠러 ㅋㅋ
지나가는행인 2015.12.08 14:30  
통통코 잡기ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
등뒤에핫삼 2015.12.08 15:21  
왜 하필 여행날짜와 겹치는가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
홍꾸 2015.12.08 23:41  
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 재밌네여 통통코 잡기 대회라니..ㅋㅋ